John Savage

Where Did You Go?

Where did you go?
Leaving so quick.
I didn't get to say bye.
You weren't just an ordinary guy.
You were a father of four precious little girls.
And a husband to a beautiful wife.

You were my second dad.
We used to play basketball every day.
You made me laugh and cry.
You were a fan of Fresh Prince, just like me.

As you can see, we would have had a lot of
things in common if you had stayed around.
You were my idol even when I was on the playground.
I told all my friends about you, and how fun you are.
I even told them you drive a nice car.

I felt like your son you never had.
You made me feel too glad,
to be your nephew.
When you came to my house,
I'd run to you and say "Hey let's go outside and play."

You were the funniest man alive,
until you passed away,
making the whole world turn dark and gray.
'Til this day we think of you,
and all the funny things you used to do.

You went to Connecticut to help out a friend.
You were a talented man in what you did.
You climbed up a ladder, and fell backwards into a window.
Cutting your main artery in your leg.

The damn ambulance took nearly 45 minutes to arrive.
Everyone was praying to God you would survive.
They rushed you to the hospital,
but it was too late.
All of the doctors gave up and lost faith.

You are in a better place now.
You’re with Mimi and Joey. Isn't that great?
I'll see you all up there one graceful date.
Hopefully I will be wrinkly and old,
have lived my life to the max,
have a kid that follows your tracks.

I would do anything in the world to see you again.
I promise we will meet up in Heaven.


Copyright © 2002-2007 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2007 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission. SPP developed and designed by Strong Bat Productions.