Amanda Keefe

Wish You Were Colorblind

Since you met him
You were defensive from the start
So un-accepting you couldn't open your heart
You were so shocked that you denied the truth
So uncomfortable almost becoming aloof
When you first saw him you could say nothing at all
You didn't give him a chance; you just put up a wall

Since you met him
I have been so confused
My thoughts keep on spinning, my emotions abused
It hurts me to know you're only seeing one thing
This is more serious than you think; it's not just a fling
It bothers me to know you never gave it a try
You ignore all the pain you see in my eyes

Since you met him
I've prayed for your sake
For you to look deeper and not to be fake
I wish you would try and be happy for me
At least make an effort to see who he could be

Since you met him
I've lost respect for you
If color gets in the way, there's nothing I can do
I thought as a Christian you would be more accepting
I feel sorry for you, maybe I was just too expecting

Since you met him
I understand what you feel
Times have changed, now I wish you were able to deal
Maybe it's time we agree to disagree
If you're not willing, that's how it's going to be

Since you met him
I've hoped for your approval
I'm tired of waiting, you don't care at all
It's my turn now I'm going to be bigger,
I forgive you for being closed-minded and bitter
I see past your prejudices and take you for who you are
I've learned not letting go doesn't get you so far
I love you, you're family that hasn't changed,
It's all on you; it's your choice, that can't be arranged


Copyright © 2002-2007 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2007 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission. SPP developed and designed by Strong Bat Productions.