Holly B. Good MorningNot even the sun is awake. Our sweet dreams are interrupted by the high pitched shrieking of an unhappy baby. Eight toddlers stand in their cribs, their eyes puffy with sleep and scowls on their soft, tan faces. One by one, we seven volunteers will shuffle out of our Pepto Bismal-pink, crowded bedroom. The older girls will start to toss and turn in their beds as the sunlight creeps through the curtains and pries open their thin eyelids. Within a minute the house will sound like Fenway Park during a Sox- Yankees game. Scrambling to clean dirty diapers and shove feet into too-small sneakers while the kids try to hit us and scream in our ears.
“A la mesa!” Someone cries out. We head down to the cafeteria while multiple kids fill our arms and hold our hands. A swarm of girls surrounds us trying to touch the toddlers and cooing at them in Spanish. Their arms are outstretched for us to give them a child, but we know better. Maria the cook calls out a “Buenos dias!” to us and we smile back at her. The clatter of plates and the tinkle of silverware surrounds the mass of children while the hum of their sweet, sleepy, melodic voices rises into the chilly Guatemalan dawn
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2002-2007 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission. SPP developed and designed by Strong Bat Productions.