Devon L.

Date Difficulty

As she sits on the steps
He glances at his watch
As she thinks of all the promises he’s kept
She worries if he’s lost
As he patiently waits, he gives her phone one more try
It rings, but she is oblivious to its silenced cry
Instead she decides to get up and start to climb
To see if there’s been a mistake in the starting time
As she finds there to be none
A realization hits him, and he starts to lament
As she checks the board to see the movie’s already begun
He starts to think maybe this was her intent
The feelings of excitement are all but gone from her
Thinking insults and indictment he plays his own chauffeur

Her heart is falling fast, for she’s been ditched again
His truck starts and rolls right past, and he curses, now and then

She can’t believe her luck; she thought this guy was nice
As he rides home in his truck he calls his roommate twice

He says he can’t believe that she stood him up
As his buddy says “that’s women” (she decides she’s had enough)

She gets off the theater stairs and starts to walk back home
He and his buddy sit in comfortable chairs and he continues to moan

He’s cursing her out
As she’s reaching her door
As she’s starting to pout
He calls her a whore
        Each one waited a half hour for the other
        She at one theater, and he at another


Copyright © 2002-2007 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2007 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission. SPP developed and designed by Strong Bat Productions.