Anna S.

Life Guide

You were my little white light
That guided me through the times.
Through good and bad,
Through thick and thin,
You were always there.

You were my lighted candle always and forever.
Till one day it grabbed my light,
To everyone’s surprise.
The grim reaper in disguise,
Took my light and snuffed it out.
My eyes are now forever blind.

You were my sun, to warm my face,
To chase the shadows away.
You were the twinkle in my eye
That I thought was here to stay.

You were unstoppable.
My superman.
The bounce in my step,
Never gone bad.

But they got to you and chased you away,
Like the stars to the sun.
In a game of tag, when you got out,
I knew; they had won.

You were my best, my pride, my joy,
Loyal through and through.
Always waiting, always there,
As I was there for you.

But now you’re gone,
My little light,
My sun, my sky, my moon.
To a place where you cannot come back,
Not now, not ever, not even for a day, but just know that
I love you.


Copyright © 2002-2007 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2007 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission. SPP developed and designed by Strong Bat Productions.