Andrew P.


What annoys me, you ask?

Maybe Bush sending troops to die as a task

Or maybe all the people dying in the world today in general

What happens if we can’t stop all the diseases and viruses that are continental?

We need to focus and work hard to slow down all the death

Death, what a powerful word, yet that’s all kids hear about when they listen to mainstream rap

What happened to the good old days that seemed to go out in a phase, when hip hop was about expressing yourself in so many different ways?

Hip hop is dying before our eyes, and I get so frustrated I almost want to cry

It annoys me to see another 13 year old boy shot dead selling drugs because it’s cool

Cool isn’t what 50 Cent and G Unit say

Cool is whatever you want it to be, whatever you do, but no one has a clue

Today you have to fit into a certain group instead of doing what you like to do

But really, these people are silently killing themselves and are almost all through

There is still hope to stop all this death and destruction

Work together, help out and make the world more loving

If we do this, death will slow down fast

So enjoy your precious moments because they might be your last


Copyright © 2002-2007 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2007 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission. SPP developed and designed by Strong Bat Productions.