Avery C.

Love And Despair


They say that three great loves pass in a lifetime.
There’s your first, when passion blossoms with youth,
Your first conquest by darkness of nighttime.
But this is fleeting, as are all pursuits.
Your second love gives life to your children.
She guides you through your dark hours of need.
She is a woman, and is your best friend,
But there’s a doubt of where her covertures lead.
The third is who you want, whom you covet,
But cannot have because she slips away.
Her name is regret, you’ll never forget
As you lay there at the end of the day.
But my love, I know that this is not true,
Since you are my one, my three, and my two.


Yearning to escape her caste prison cell,
Faith jumps. A consequence of a pained life.
Each chosen path led closer to a hell,
Lost among the trails, constantly in strife.
Birth ushered in her set limitations,
Imprinted as guilt to the condemned.
With mother and dreams as her only patrons,
Faith left home in seek of her own godsend.
Without any love, becoming outcast,
She searched for work. Found alcohol instead.
With drive failing, and her mother’s life passed,
Dreams and hopes broken, Faith wished herself dead.
She drifted to death and up like a wraith.
This eulogy is for a triumph, Faith.


Copyright © 2002-2007 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2007 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission. SPP developed and designed by Strong Bat Productions.